Archive for March 1st, 2011

To Those I Met In Iceland……A Special Message.

Mar. 1st 2011

A message to all I met in Iceland—————I would truly enjoy hearing from you.

This special post goes out to all the folks I met at: The Blue Lagoon, on photo shoots, at the Reykjavik swim/sports center, at the Pilsyr stand, and to the elementary students I met with and signed postcards.

Hello to the people I had conversations with  in coffee shops, at the hotel, art galleries,  and museums. 

Best regards to the Polish national making his way, on his own, in a new country. Thanks for sharing a cab. Contact me.

To all who toured with me or had  conversations—feel free to drop me a line. I would like to remain in contact.

 To my investment banker friend from France, drop me a line. It was very nice spending time with you in the snow, head above water. Lunch by the pool was relaxing. I have art photographs I wish to send you.  I  need your mailing address in Paris. You have an invitation to visit me in the USA.

Mick and Adian, how does it feel to be back in London? Repeat after me…”Take out your notebooks and write about what I did on winter break.”  This will chew up time…hehehehe. Mates! Please drop me an e-mail. Send me your mailing addresses. I too have photographs for you. I called around to all the hostels to return your visit, yet you were gone. I felt  bad I was not at the hotel the time whenyou came by to visit. Darn. I wanted to show you the suite and drink the mini bar in the room dry…heheheh. I was at the Blue Lagoon–again. Rain check.  Let meet in London or Sydney this summer or come to Cape Cod.  The same is true for my Parisian friend. A Cape Cod holiday……..The Atlantic Ocean and Massachusetts Bay IS my swimming pool.

I am working on a detailed  post that will be published later in the week  about my time in Iceland. Stay tuned. 

 To those who want to meet me and say hello, I will be in New York in March and California in April. Details will  follow.

Thank you to all who read by blog and collect my artwork.


Brendan Ben Feeney

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