Washington D.C.

What brought me down to Washington D. C. during the spring of 2012 was to reconnect with dear friends. While a graduate student at Emerson College, I had the distinct privilege serving asĀ  graduate assistant to Professors Walter and Marci Littlefield. When an e-mail came from the Littlefields to visit and photo shoot the 100th anniversary of the planting of cherry blossom trees around the Tidal Basin, home of many magnificent tributes to great American leaders, I said, “Yes.” While in Washington D.C. and Virginia, I shot over 1,347 frames of photography. Here is a sample of my body of work taken over a 2 day period. In closing, being amongst iconic structures of democracy was humbling–yet I was reminded by interactions with many kind peopleĀ  that power lies in the hands of the people.

Brendan Ben Feeney

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