Archive for April 22nd, 2011

Celebrate Planet Earth….Happy Earth Day!

Apr. 22nd 2011

Happy Earth Day to All!

I’m in San Francisco,  California, USA to celebrate the city’s green heritage, shoot film, still photography, and look at the optimistic side of a world gone environmentally wacky as each moment passes. Here I go. Let’s celebrate Earth Day with a Brendan Ben Feeney Across-Stick.

Earth Day! I extend thanks to Senator Gaylord Nelson and Denis Hayes. 1970 feels like yesterday. You had an idea and brought it to fruition. As we sing in church…”Sing oh happy morning, we sing age-to-age…”

Air. Clean air. Thank you American Lung Association, those who worked for the passage of the Clean Air Act, and hard working people who push daily for tougher emissions standards.

Rethinking energy. To the people of Iceland–love your geothermal energy! Love your green country.

The tall trees of Muir Woods. Dusk and dawn are my favorite times to roam the forest.Cape Cod National Seashore Park.  Dawn and dusk are my favorite times to roam. Thank you John F. Kennedy for establishing this national treasure.

Hip, hip, ho-rah for John Muir— writer, activist, sage, and visionary.

Dedicated community activists. As Robert Kennedy noted it takes one ripple, like when a drop of water strikes a larger pool of water, to start the dynamic of change.

And chemical companies called Rachael Carson a kook; a woman off her rocker. Rachel, if it were not for you…. Spring 2011 would be silent.  I hang a Tibetan prayer flag in your honor today.

Yosemite National Park. Yellowstone National Park. Arcadia National Park. All the national parks. State Parks. Community open spaces.

Earth. Air. Wind. Peace to all.

Brendan Ben Feeney

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